Conference CBOD November 2014 – Presentation

Data, Digital Business Models, Cloud Computing and Organizational Design

24-25 November 2014

Université Paris–Sud, Faculté Jean-Monnet,
54 Boulevard Desgranges, 92330 Sceaux
Room : Georges Vedel

download the programme: Conference: digital business models & data abundance, 21 nov 2014 pdf-icon


Due to the generative nature of digital technology, new business models are continuously emerging, inducing a continuous change in the competitive landscape. But in spite of their importance, digital business models are rarely addressed in a systematic way. What should the future modes of organisation be? How will the vertical organisation—the large enterprise—interface with emerging forms of activity—small businesses, communities, clusters and intermediate forms? How will transaction and knowledge flows intermesh? What scenarios in the context of data – and networking abundance ? What relationships with underlying technical issues?

Business models issues are closely related to value creation  and its modalities in the knowledge economy. Value creation has been widely debated in economics and business literature over the last ten years. Due to the emergence of the Internet, several—sometimes naïve—views have been put forward, especially those emphasising the role of transparency and resource mobility. In many respects, the new economy is considered as endowed with characteristics similar to those

proposed by classical economists for characterising market structures, notably those related to atomicity and free entry and exit of firms in the market. What impact of digitalilty on

value as a concept, perspective and practice? Shall monetarisation be the alone perspective for viewing value or should other perspectives be developed in a complementary way ? What type of digital assets should be put forward by firms in the value processes ? What kind of governance for data in the digital resources abundance ? These are among the issues to taken over by research action.

From here we can derive several implications. Among these how to organise for value creation in the multiple spaces. We will consider this issue here from one the most important dimension of organisational design : cloud computing (cc). CC might represent the next step in the virtualisation and “servicisation” trends in Information Systems, contributing to making organisations even more agile, by offering them the possibility to run “anything as a service” (XaaS) in IT. With CC, IT (infrastructure and services) gains an additional level of flexibility, allowing for instance an organisation to manage and operate its IT as a utility. More specifically, and according to some of the vendors arguments, CC solutions can allow an organisation to scale up quasi transparently its operations (even for short duration if necessary), paying mostly only for

the usage (transforming its fixed costs into variable costs), and (out)sourcing its IT in the way it find the more convenient (e.g. selecting and changing external providers). Yet at the same

time, this setting confronts organisations with a variety of new issues encompassing many dimensions (technical, legal, security, economical, organisational or societal) that they have

to address in a holistic manner. In this context, we need to better evaluate the organisational stakes related to CC. We can question the level of readiness of IT departments, and more generally of the corporate general management, to deal with these new approaches to ITresources. Organisations might have some difficulties in evaluating and comparing the different options available to them.

The objective of this conference is to discuss and propose approaches allowing us to better understand and address some these issues. More specifically, the conference aims at addressing this problematic first by looking at the business model angle, and second by exploring the consequence and implication of cloud computing, an innovation that is particularly illustrative of this new economic era.

Day 1: New business models in the context the digital economy

Day 1 of the conference will cover the new business models in the context the digital economy at large from the different angles such as: what are the different models (i.e. how they are defined and what are the different categories) and how do they function, how to design and implement them in organizations (strategy, design, implementation and change), and what are the different opportunities and challenges to consider.


Day 2: Cloud Computing, from a business and management point of view

Day 2 of the conference will focus more specifically on Cloud Computing, from a business and management point of view, but also taking into account underlying technical issues. It will try to conceptualize cloud computing, and understand its different dimensions (e.g. business, organizational, legal, security) and its implications for organisations, individuals, and society



The conference sponsors

The conference is organized in the context of the CBOD project – Cloud Business Organisational Design, funded by ANR and BizModel4Cloud Project PEPS (Projet Exploratoire Premier Soutien – Idex Paris-Saclay, CNRS)


Ahmed Bounfour, Professor, University Paris Sud– RITM
Valerie Fernandez, Professor, Telecom ParisTech
Ioana Manolescu, Research Director, INRIA
Emmanuel Waller, Associate Professor, LRI, University Paris-Sud


Scientific queries :
Pr. Ahmed Bounfour :

Logistics :
Marielle Rosine :

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