CBODconf2014 – Session 1: Digital business models and the future of enterprises


Digital Business models in networked abundance pdf-icon

Omar El Sawy, University of South California

Omar el sawy: Digital business models in networked abundance from U-PSud RITM


Value creation in accelucted spaces

Ahmed Bounfour, University Paris-Sud



Visual Business Modeling Techniques for the Software Industry pdf-icon

Sjaak Brinkkemper, Utrecht University

Sjaak Brinkkemper: Visual Business Modeling Techniques for the Software Industry from U-PSud RITM



Cloud points of Attention for a Trusted Cloud Europe pdf-icon

Cyril Bartolo, President Cloud Computing Council EuroCIO

Cyril Bartolo: European Users’ recommendations for the success of Public Cloud Computing in Europe from U-PSud RITM
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