Conference CBOD November 2014

Data, Digital Business Models, Cloud Computing and Organizational Design

24-25 November 2014

Université Paris–Sud, Faculté Jean-Monnet,
54 Boulevard Desgranges, 92330 Sceaux
Room : Georges Vedel

download the programme: Conference: digital business models & data abundance, 21 nov 2014 pdf-icon


The objective of this conference is to discuss and propose approaches allowing us to better understand and address some these issues. More specifically, the conference aims at addressing this problematic first by looking at the business model angle, and second by exploring the consequence and implication of cloud computing, an innovation that is particularly illustrative of this new economic era. (more …)


Programme day 1

Day 1: New business models in the context the digital economy

Day 1 of the conference will cover the new business models in the context the digital economy at large from the different angles such as: what are the different models (i.e. how they are defined and what are the different categories) and how do they function, how to design and implement them in organizations (strategy, design, implementation and change), and what are the different opportunities and challenges to consider.



Programme day 2

Day 2: Cloud Computing, from a business and management point of view

Day 2 of the conference will focus more specifically on Cloud Computing, from a business and management point of view, but also taking into account underlying technical issues. It will try to conceptualize cloud computing, and understand its different dimensions (e.g. business, organizational, legal, security) and its implications for organisations, individuals, and society.



The conference sponsors

The conference is organized in the context of the CBOD project – Cloud Business Organisational Design, funded by ANR and BizModel4Cloud Project PEPS (Projet Exploratoire Premier Soutien – Idex Paris-Saclay, CNRS)


Ahmed Bounfour, Professor, University Paris Sud– RITM
Valerie Fernandez, Professor, Telecom ParisTech
Ioana Manolescu, Research Director, INRIA
Emmanuel Waller, Associate Professor, LRI, University Paris-Sud


Scientific queries :
Pr. Ahmed Bounfour :

Logistics :
Marielle Rosine :
